
Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Message from a Pro-Life Warrior to Those who Live in Southeast Pennsylvania

from Bill Miller
Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition

Friday March 3rd, I prayed the Rosary with 12 other people at the Warminster Planned Parenthood.

Saturday March 4th, I attended 7 a.m. Mass at Christ The King in the Far Northeast section of Phila followed by the Rosary Vigil at Planned Parenthood on Comly Rd.

It seems every week our numbers decrease. I know the weather has been brutal, but it does not stop the dedicated people like the "regulars " at Warminster or Comly Rd. They bundle up with layers of warm clothes and brave the bitter cold in order to give "Public Witness" to the women (victims) going in for the abortions, letting them know we are there to offer help in various ways.

It is very disappointing to know that with all the surrounding Catholic parishes we can only gather 10 to 15 people each Friday or Saturday.

Betty and Dave Maier, both in their 80's,  Pray and Witness at the Comly Rd. PP Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays EVERY week. This morning a Retired Priest came all the way up from South Phila to Celebrate mass for us.

I leave these killing sites each week thinking how apathetic on this issue my fellow Catholics have become.

I fear for my Catholic faith, that is slowly being consumed by the Culture of Death and will eventually no longer exist.

I am not asking anyone to spend EVERY Friday or Saturday in front of these Killing centers, but to at the very least try to make a vigil once a month.

I know I am disappointed with the low number of persons who make these vigils. So please forgive me for my venting, I just have to express my disappointment on this issue.

Some people make the March For Life every year but we never see them at any other Pro-Life function the rest of the year.

Coming up is Holy Week and Good Friday...There will be Vigils at EVERY Abortion Center in S.E. Pa.that day. Please try to attend either at Warminster or Comly Rd.

Also 40 Days for Life has 2 more weeks, so please try to go to your local abortion facility and pray for the end of abortion.

See another post on this subject which lists all the sites in SE Pa. at this link.

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

1 comment:

  1. This past Saturday morning I attended the 7:00 a.m. Mass at St. John the Evangelist in CC Phila on 13th St. below Market. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Rayford Emmons. After Mass we proceeded to Planned Parenthood at 12th and Locust Sts. to witness and pray the Rosary. Our counsellors try to give a brochure to the young women going in for abortions, but the aggressive planned Parenthood escorts just bunch up and push them out of the way. If the counsellors stand their ground the PP people call over the police and we are told we are blocking the public side walk and if they persist they will be arrested.

    Also PP had 2 beautiful young women all dressed up for Easter with flowery bonnets talking real loud while they played rock music to try and drown out the sound of the Pro-Life people praying the Rosary.

    Catholic and Judeo / Christian people who should, but do not, attend these prayer Vigils at Warminster Bucks County, PP in Chester County, PP at Comly Rd. and Roosevelt Blve. (N.E. Phila., and PP 12th and Locust allow the murderous evil of abortion at these facility's to go on year in and year out without a word or witness of opposition. Many older pro-life people are unable to attend any longer because of health reasons, most are now in their 80's and 90's. They ask themselves "where are all the younger Christians, Catholics and Jewish brethern who profess to be Pro-Life and opposed to this deadly genocide on the innocent unborn.

    This coming Good Friday, the most solemn day on the Christian calendar these 3 Planned Parenthood locations mentioned above will defiantly be open for killing. They are like the people along the road to Calvary who adamantly SPIT on Jesus as he was being led to His Crucifixion. We have heard sermons and homily's this past Sunday about attending Passion Plays and Stations of the Cross liturgy's on Good Friday. I invite all who read this memo to come first to the modern Day Golgotha where so many innocent babies created in the image and likeness of Jesus Himself are brutally murdered by a suction machine the literally tears the unborn child limb form limb and suctioned out of its mothers womb.
