
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Triplets Saved!

from CatholicVote
The triplets have been born!  Praise be to God.
Last week Melissa, the surrogate mother of three baby boys, delivered her children at a hospital in California. You may remember, the "father" of these children wanted one of the triples to be aborted. Thankfully, Melissa refused to do that.

All three are alive and appear to be doing well, but because of their size, they remain in special care.

But wait until you hear this…

To prepare for the birth, the hospital staffed extra security to guard the delivery floor. Then immediately after the babies were born… hospital staff took the crying children away from their mother and are REFUSING to allow her to see her own children!

Because of the exploitative surrogacy contract, the babies were taken from their mother and are being held pending the outcome of the lawsuit we filed against the “father.”

There is a separate suit filed in the federal court in which Melissa is suing the state, challenging the constitutionality of California’s statute that permits the purchasing of children.

CV is funding the legal defense of Melissa. She is fighting the surrogacy industry including the unmarried 50-year old deaf postal worker living with his parents who demanded she abort one of the children.

CV-funded lawyers appeared in court last month to argue that Melissa should be granted custody of her children. We explained that the surrogacy contract should be nullified given the outrageous circumstances of the man who paid to have the children created.

The judge refused, and get this... said that what happens to the children is of no concern to the court!

Here is where things stand today:

Melissa has told the court she is willing to raise all three children. The deaf man that funded the surrogacy contract is refusing, and has said he will either keep two of the children himself and give one away, or give them all away.

Remember, he is a 50-year old deaf man who lives with his parents -- his mother is completely bedridden and in need of constant nursing care -- and his elderly father has said the children cannot be raised in their home!

If we win this case, it is possible for us to slow down -- and even strike down -- surrogacy laws in California and across the United States.

At a minimum, we can pave the way for states to regulate, rethink, or even ban the practice. Furthermore, we are working to urge legislators in Washington D.C. to stop surrogacy contracts everywhere.

The manufacturing and commercialization of children is an assault on the family, on the rights of mothers -- and devastating for children.  Imagine being a child brought into this world under these conditions.
It’s Brave New World -- but worse. And it must be stopped.

The misson of is to educate and inspire Americans of all faiths to prioritize the issues of life, faith, and family. Please help us with this case by chipping in here.

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