
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Alaska Senate Passes Bill Banning Planned Parenthood from Schools

Sex Education

By Danny David
Live Action News

A bill that would give parents more say in their children’s sex education passed the Alaska Senate on Friday. Senate Bill 89 requires parental permission for public school students prior to sex education classes, and would allow parents to withdraw their children from sex education and standardized testing.

More importantly, the bill bans schools from using educational material from any “abortion services provider,” including Planned Parenthood, which claims it is currently providing education to more than 2,000 children in Alaska.

Naturally, Planned Parenthood took exception to the bill – along with a companion bill which lays out penalties for violation – referring to them as “unconstitutional restrictions on the education available to communities across the state.”

But State Sen. Cathy Giessel, co-sponsor of the bill, sees the legislation as a way to empower parents in making choices regarding their children’s education…

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