
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Congresswoman Slams Sale of Aborted Babies at Hearing: “This is the for Baby Parts”

This is a baby...This is not tissue. You don’t get a brain, a liver, a kidney,
 all of these organs from a “tissue,” it is a baby.  Rep.Diane Black
By Steven Ertelt
Life News

During a Congressional hearing today, Representative Diane Black, a nurse of more than 40 years, slammed the sale of aborted baby parts during her question and answer session with witnesses. Black spoke at the inaugural hearing of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, focusing on bioethics and fetal tissue research related to the exposure of Planned Parenthood and others selling the body parts of aborted babies.

The hearing came just one day after a 12th video exposed how Planned Parenthood officials sell the body parts of aborted babies for profit and alter abortion procedures to obtain the parts. Both are potentially violations of federal law.

Black condemned the killing of an 8-10-week-old aborted baby who was subsequently sold for parts to a research university.

“This is not dignity. This is not respect for human life,” Black said. “I want to ask the panelists – have we reached a point in our society where there effectively is an for human parts, including entire babies?”

A transcript of Congressman Black’s remarks and questioning of the witnesses is provided below:

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