
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Follow the Law, or Follow Your Faith: Obama’s Outrageous Order

by Father Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
for the New York Post

Long before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — a k a ObamaCare — became law on March 23, 2010, pro-life advocates, myself included, recognized that it could lead to serious moral clashes between faith and law, particularly in the areas of abortion and contraception.

And we were right. The law empowered the Department of Health and Human Services to compel employers to provide contraception and abortion-inducing drugs and devices to their employees through their health-insurance plans.

The case of Priests for Life vs. HHS, one of seven cases comprising Zubik vs. Burwell, now challenges that mandate in the Supreme Court, with oral arguments on March 23.

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