
Monday, March 21, 2016

Voices for the Unborn Honors Families and Their Special Needs Children

Michelle and Matthew Odland family, Wausau

By Terry Noble
Voices for the Unborn

World Down Syndrome Day is observed on March 21st. It's a day to honor the love and devotion that families share with their special child.

These children have challenges and medical problems, but they also possess traits most of us who are "normal" lack, namely unconditional acceptance, love and true friendship without limits.  They have no guile, agendas and just ask for your love in return.  Sadly, 90% of these unborn babies are aborted.

My friend, Florence, gave birth to a Down Syndrome baby girl.  Some years later, Florence and her husband decided to adopt two more children with Down Syndrome. I was blessed to know this family. The love and joy just exuded from them and their children. I learned so much about total acceptance and unconditional love from these "special" girls.   What follows is a poem that was penned under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

God's Special Gift

The sentence is death, I heard it today
The doctor told Mommy there's no other way

Please give me a chance Mom to show you God's reason
His purpose for my life will come in due season

I may not be cute or charming or bright
My speech may be slow, my limbs not quite right

My gifts may not dazzle, enthrall, or bring cheers
It's His love I can give, full of laughter and tears

His plan for my life, a Gift from above
might just to show others a glimpse of His love.

His marvelous love to reach just on soul
Who longs to be loved, accepted, made whole

I wish you could see all the blessings in store
It may never be easy; life won't be a bore

So Mommy please listen to His voice from above
Whispering "This is a Special Gift of My Love"

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