
Friday, April 22, 2016

Another Planned Parenthood Secret: The Silent Abortion of Birth Control

by Shiela
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

My Story Is Not Uncommon

Ever been in a Christless and toxic relationship? I was. When I was 23. My boyfriend (now husband) and I were off, on, together, not. One time in particular we had been off for several months . . .

Even before I was sexually active, my doctor advised me to go on the pill to "be prepared." I was just 16 when he coached me to go to Planned Parenthood or the county and lie by saying I didn't have insurance so they could bill the state and my parents would never know. "You can't get cheaper than free" he told me.

So when my boyfriend and I were "off" again, I stopped taking the pill since I had no intention of being sexually active. When we started talking again, I went back on my pills and waited one month before having sex, as I was advised by PP clinicians. A few weeks into the second month, we had sex. I had forgotten to take my pills a few days the week prior and week of, but didn't think much of it since I was instructed by PP clinicians that if I missed one pill, to double up when I remembered. Miss two, take three. Miss three, take four. After that, start a whole new pack. I had only missed one on two separate occasions, so I was confident I was in the clear...

continue reading this article at

Survivors is a Christian pro-life activist ministry dedicated to educating and activating the youth of America. Survivors is led by a team of passionate individuals and governed by a Board of Directors.

Any person born after January 22, 1973 is a survivor of the American abortion holocaust. On this date, the Roe vs. Wade decision legalized abortion on demand throughout all 50 states. Since this infamous decision, over 56 million children have been killed all in the name of “choice”. If you were born after the legalization of abortion in the U.S., we challenge you to consider yourself a survivor of the abortion holocaust. One third of your generation has been killed by abortion.  Learn more using this link.  

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

1 comment:

  1. The pill produce 1-2 abortions in one year, without the knowledge of the mother.
    Women who take pills 10 years can have even 20 abortions, without knowing, with great consequences in their life, health, relationship etc.
