
Friday, April 22, 2016

Abortion Clinic Files for Bankruptcy After Firing Employees When They Became Pregnant


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

It isn’t difficult to guess the reasons why a late-term abortion clinic in New Jersey didn’t want pregnant employees to be working there. It could be bad for its $1.8 million-a-year business.

The Pilgrim Medical Center, a Montclair abortion clinic that advertises same-day, late-term abortions, recently lost a discrimination lawsuit filed by three former employees who said they were fired after becoming pregnant, according to the Wall Street Journal. Now, the abortion facility is filing for bankruptcy.

Nicholas Campanella, the abortionist who owns the facility, has a reputation among his staff for “not lik[ing] pregnant employees,” according to the lawsuit. One former employee said she was fired in February 2013 after she became pregnant; Campanella told her there was not work for her anymore, though the abortion clinic had just posted a job opening for her duties, the report states. The other two workers said they were fired after taking maternity leave.

A judge awarded them more than $1 million, but Campanella is appealing the decision, according to the report. Because the abortion facility also is filing for bankruptcy, the former employees cannot collect the monetary damages, the report states.

The legal proceedings have not stopped the abortion facility’s deadly operations either. Pilgrim continues to operate and advertise itself as the only abortion facility in New Jersey to offer one-day abortions at 24.6 weeks. Babies are viable outside the womb at 24 weeks and even earlier, thanks to modern medical advancements.

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