
Friday, April 22, 2016

Cecile Richards Tells “Catholic” Georgetown University Abortion “is a Basic Human Right”


By Justin Petrisek
Kimberly Scharfenberger      
Life News

Georgetown University blocked concerned Catholics and reporters from attending today’s campus lecture by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, but tweets from participating students revealed faithful Catholics’ worst fears: Richards spoke to a packed auditorium, flagrantly advocating abortion, deriding pro-lifers and scandalizing students at the nation’s oldest Catholic university.

Richards was introduced by the student group H*yas for Choice, according to a tweet from The Hoya’s Twitter page, once again demonstrating the substantial leeway given by Georgetown to this “unofficial” pro-abortion club. “I can’t wait to come back when this [H*yas for Choice] is a recognized campus group,” Richards reportedly stated upon taking the stage. “A girl can dream.” H*yas for Choice is responsible for numerous scandals at Georgetown, such as hosting “choice weeks,” protesting pro-life conferences and pushing for contraception distribution on campus.

In early March, The Cardinal Newman Society broke the news that Georgetown’s student-run Lecture Fund would be hosting Richards. The Archdiocese of Washington and its newspaper, the Catholic Standard, were quick to criticize the outrageous event, but the University administration refused to rescind Richards’ invitation.

As expected, the event seems to have been a platform for Richards to indoctrinate students with pro-abortion rhetoric and repeatedly attack the dignity of human life. Richards reportedly denied that Planned Parenthood ever sold fetal tissue and claimed abortion is a “basic human right.”

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