
Monday, April 25, 2016

Congress Investigates Heinous Crimes

By Judie Brown, President
American Life League (ALL)

The Committee on Energy and Commerce in the US House of Representatives has convened a Select Investigative Panel to probe the marketing and sale of aborted baby body parts. The website tells us that the Committee has been established to “gather information and get the facts about medical practices of abortion service providers and the business practices of the procurement organizations who sell baby body parts.”

So right off the bat, it is more than concerning that still, after more than 43 years, nobody in politics is willing to call abortion a crime against humanity—a violent terrorist activity occurring all across our land and mutilating millions of people. Instead, this special investigative committee is looking into “business practices” for those who provide “abortion service.”

If you don’t see anything wrong with that description, allow me to explain.

The entire debate about the selling of baby body parts will continue to be a sham until those whom we elect to public office are willing to define truth in terms of objective reality instead of whitewashing it in a way that plays directly into the hands of Planned Parenthood and its cronies. By using terms like “business practices” and “abortion service” the committee gives credibility to a deadly business. This is a symptom of political correctness that simply has to stop.

How could I possibly say such a thing?

American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to death—without compromise, without exception, without apology.

The distinguishing mark of American Life League, by which we will be recognized, is our absolute commitment to the sacredness of every innocent human being’s life.  

For more information on American Life League or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link.

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