
Monday, April 25, 2016

The 12 Best Pictures of Pro-Life People Standing Up Against Planned Parenthood


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-lifers gathered outside more than 200 Planned Parenthood abortion facilities on Saturday all across the U.S. to protest the abortion business’s horrific practices.

Organized by a group of pro-life organizations, the #ProtestPP rallies reminded communities of the abortion chain’s abhorrent treatment of unborn babies through abortion and the sale of their body parts. The #ProtestPP movement began last year after the Center for Medical Progress began releasing undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies’ body parts. The key pro-life groups behind the event were the Pro-Life Action League, Created Equal and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society.

While some pro-life groups had sunny, warm weather for their protests, others braved the rain and cold to stand up for the lives of unborn babies in their communities. Organizers reported the #ProtestPP rallies took place in more than 214 cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit and Washington D.C.

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Here are some inspiring pictures from the rallies:

Thanks to all who came out to the #protestpp rally I’m Indy! It was a great event!

— RightToLifeIndy (@RTLIndy) April 23, 2016

A few of our members at the #protestPP rally in Birmingham yesterday! #prolife#defundPP

— BamaStudentsForLife (@Pro_Life_Bama) April 24, 2016

#ProtestPP in Richmond, VA. @regretabortion regional coordinators Leslie Davis Blackwell and Andrea Pearson #prolife

— Janet Morana (@JanetMorana) April 23, 2016

These protesters gathered outside the construction site of a new Planned Parenthood mega-clinic in Washington, D.C. The construction of the new abortion facility has faced heavy opposition because it is located next to an elementary and middle school:

Melissa tells #protestpp babies with disabilities are aborted but “my life rocks… Life isn’t about perfection.”

— Kate Scanlon (@kgscanlon) April 23, 2016

Utah pro-lifers displayed a bright, welcoming message:

We want the women of Utah to know that we care about them and want to help!#ProtestPP

— Abortion Help Utah (@AbortionHelpUt) April 24, 2016

We had a great group who stood in the rain during most of the protest! It was a positive experience! #ProtestPP

— Abortion Help Utah (@AbortionHelpUt) April 24, 2016

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