
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Here’s Why Republicans Are Demanding Names in Fetal Tissue Probe

by Kelsey Karkness
The Daily Signal

Confronting critics who say she is conducting a “witch hunt,” the chairman of a special House panel investigating the supply of tissue from aborted babies to researchers said in an interview with The Daily Signal that the panel can’t do its job without understanding the roles of all those involved.

“We know that it’s important that we act responsibly with each and every name,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who leads the House investigation of the fetal tissue industry, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.

“But it is impossible for the panel to complete the investigation that we are charged by the House resolution to complete without full knowledge and without an understanding of the individuals involved in the transactions and the practices that we have been asked to investigate.”


Kelsey Harkness is a news producer at The Daily Signal.

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  1. Good for her. How could any serious investigation conducted without all the appropriate info? And...the excuse of "National Security" does not apply here.

  2. How can you have a serious investigation if you are restricted in your investigation
    You can't
