
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Operation Rescue Calls on California Attorney General Kamala Harris to Resign

CA AG's Office Ransacks Daleiden's Apartment to Defend Campaign Contributor Planned Parenthood

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Los Angeles, CA - Since the California Department of Justice, under the leadership of Democratic State Attorney General Kamala Harris, searched the home of David Daleiden on Tuesday, there have been numerous news stories noting an apparent conflict of interest in Harris' investigation of Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress that ignores obvious evidence of illegal conduct on the part of Planned Parenthood.

California authorities seized a laptop and hard drives containing the video footage collected during Daleiden's 3-year investigation of Planned Parenthood's involvement in the illegal sale of aborted baby remains, according to a written statement made by Life Legal Defense Foundation, which is helping to defend Daleiden.

Harris, a pro-abortion Democrat, chose to focus her investigation on Daleiden and his associates rather than Planned Parenthood, even though the video footage so far released by Daleiden's Center for Medical Progress shows clear evidence that Planned Parenthood was illegally altering abortion procedures to endure intact organs targeted for harvesting then selling the organs for profit.

Operation Rescue has obtained evidence that supports accusations that Harris' investigation was politically retaliation, and that the raid on Daleiden's home represents a frightening attack on free speech, freedom of the press, and our precious guarantee of equal (not biased) protection under the law.

Continue reading and view documentation here!

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