
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Planned Parenthood Works With Chinese Population Control Officials Promoting Forced Abortions


Women's Rights Without Frontiers
Beijing, China

A National Protest of Planned Parenthood will be held this Saturday. At the protest site in Concord, CA Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, will speak about her conviction that, posturing as a champion of “choice” in the US, International Planned Parenthood’s true colors show boldly elsewhere on the globe, particularly the People’s Republic of China.

In China, abortion has little to do with a woman’s choice. The world was shocked in 2012 when WRWF released the photograph of Feng Jianmei lying next to her forcibly aborted baby, showing to millions the true face of the Chinese Communist Party.

Meanwhile, International Planned Parenthood is not merely present in China, but their affiliate organization literally works in tandem with the government’s coercive One Child (now Two-Child) Policy.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) first fully associated with the China Family Planning Association (CFPA) as its main access to China in 1983, when forced abortion under the new One-Child Policy was at its height. When CFPA was first created three years earlier, the official communique stated its purpose was to ”implement government population control policies.”

In its first decade, in collaboration with IPPF, CFPA boasts it established a branch in almost every village in China and mobilized as many as 94 million members and volunteers. In fact, China was the second country after New Zealand to become officially recognized as a qualified member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), after CFPA met IPPF’s 65 criteria on sexual and reproductive health issues. All the while, the CFPA was implementing a program that was forcibly aborting and sterilizing women.

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