
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Shocking Footage Shows Baby Farm Where “Unwanted” Babies are Bought and Sold


By Micaiah Bilger    
Life News

New details about an Indian hospital that allegedly sold “unwanted” newborn babies are coming out this week.

On Saturday, police raided a private hospital in Gwalior, India and discovered an alleged baby-trafficking scheme. According to The Times of India, police rescued two babies from Palash Hospital after they found evidence that newborn babies born from rape or wedlock were being sold there. Some have labeled the hospital a “baby farm.”

A new video on the Daily Mail shows footage of two trafficked babies side by side on a bed at the facility. It also shows photos of the hospital and police making arrests in connection with the case. According to the report, five people have been arrested so far.

Police said hospital staff convinced women with “unwanted pregnancies” to give birth to their babies, rather than abort them, and then sold the babies for a profit.

“When a girl or her parents approached them for termination of pregnancies, doctors at this hospital used to convince them assuring a safe and secret delivery,” criminal investigator Prateek Kumar told the Times of India. “Once baby is delivered and mother gets discharged, hospital authorities start hunting for gullible couples who could buy them.”

Agents from the hospital also allegedly went out into the community in search of women and girls with unwanted pregnancies, according to The Sun.

The infants were sold for 1,000 pounds (approximately $1,400), according to police. Some were sold into slavery and others to couples who were unable to have biological children, according to the news reports. Police said they are aware of at least three babies being sold.

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