
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Abortion Activists Complain About Babies Miraculously Saved After the Abortion Has Already Started


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

It’s becoming more and more clear that abortion advocates don’t want pregnant women to have a “choice,” they want women to abort their unborn babies.

Lately, they have been viciously attacking a pioneer medical procedure that gives pregnant women another option – an abortion pill reversal procedure. Standing in the way of medical progress, they are fighting against efforts to research the procedure and new state laws that inform women of the possibility.

The abortion pill reversal procedure has successfully reversed the effects of the abortion pill, RU-486, and saved hundreds unborn babies’ lives, according to the doctors who developed the method. Dr. Matthew Harrison performed the first-ever abortion pill reversal in 2007

Harrison said the baby who was saved is now a healthy 9-year-old girl. Since 2007, Harrison and a team of doctors set up a hotline and trained a network of about 300 doctors across the world. The group reported more than 213 babies have been saved since 2007.

But abortion activists are trying to discredit it. In a column for the Daily Beast, pro-abortion journalist Samantha Allen attacked Louisiana lawmakers who passed a resolution this week urging the state Department of Health to research the abortion pill reversal method.

Apparently, this new option for pregnant women isn’t even worth researching. Allen and her fellow abortion advocates want to push it under the rug without giving it any reasonable consideration. Why? Because this is a choice that women aren’t supposed to have.

Allen blasted the abortion pill reversal technology as “scary bogus science” and criticized the Louisiana lawmakers for encouraging research on it. Yet, Allen never mentioned that, based on her own research, the abortion pill RU486 is not always effective, and it is possible that a woman can change her mind after taking the pill and take actions to help save her baby’s life. 

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