
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This Abortion Clinic Owner Pushes Teens to Keep Abortions Secret From Their Parents


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Fusion recently profiled an Alabama abortion clinic owner who helps teens have secret abortions without their parents’ knowledge, painting her as a heroine for her work.

The abortion clinic owner is June Ayers, a 61-year-old who has been in the abortion business since the 1970s. Ayers herself had an abortion when she was 19, and since then she has helped countless other teens abort their unborn babies, too, according to the article.

Like most states, Alabama requires girls under 18 to have a parent’s permission to have an abortion. However, a judicial bypass provision allows a minor to request a judge’s permission to have an abortion rather than a parent’s. The provision meant for girls who come from abusive homes, but abortion activists often guide young girls on how to take advantage of the exception.

Such was the case with 17-year-old high school students “Lindsay” and “John” who called Ayers recently to ask how to get an abortion.

According to the report:

Lindsay is one of six kids and grew up in a strictly anti-abortion household. When she found out she was pregnant, she knew there was no question about how her parents would respond: “My parents never have—it’s just something they don’t agree with.”

Judicial bypass exists for teens like Lindsay and John. The question, now, was whether they would need it.

About 20 minutes after they arrived at the clinic, the teens re-emerged from the ultrasound room, faces soft and unreadable. But the news was positive, if complicated: She was early enough in her pregnancy—eight weeks—that she could wait until she turned 18 and bypass the courts.

“She’s about to start college, and she has a goal in life to do something,” John told me afterwards, voice low, eyes at the floor. “We were worried that if we did have to go through the court thing—”

Story continues:

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