
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fetal Tissue Research: What Really Works May Surprise You!

By Judie Brown, President
American Life League (ALL)

Once again the practice of using aborted preborn babies for their body parts and tissues has made the news. This time the reporting is based on a sickening congressional letter addressed to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and signed by 98 members of Congress.

The letter references recent hearings conducted by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel. The panel’s mission has been to look into the question of abortion providers like Planned Parenthood selling preborn baby body parts for research. Additionally, the commission is investigating the scientists who use these body parts, as well as purveyors like StemExpress—the middleman in this equation.

Signed by 98 members of Congress—less than a third of the U. S. House—this letter says in part: “The Select Investigative Panel has continued to endanger healthcare providers and patients with its extreme rhetoric claiming that Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts. . . . Equally concerning are the investigations into scientists doing research that uses fetal tissue.”

continue reading at

American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to death—without compromise, without exception, without apology.

The distinguishing mark of American Life League, by which we will be recognized, is our absolute commitment to the sacredness of every innocent human being’s life.  

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