
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Petition Seeking Recusal Submitted to Federal Judge in PP Case after Her Husband Was Photographed There

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Columbia, MO - Operation Rescue has submitted a petition to Federal Court Judge Nanette Laughrey signed by nearly 700 citizens asking her to recuse herself from a case involving the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Columbia, Missouri, after her husband, Chris Kelly, was photographed entering the facility.

Planned Parenthood sued the Missouri Department of Health (DOH) in Federal Court after it was notified of the Department's intent to revoke Planned Parenthood's Columbia facility license. A Senate sub-committee investigation discovered that Planned Parenthood's only physician held bogus "refer and follow" privileges that did not allow her to treat patients at University Hospital as required by law. Those phony privileges were deceptively passed off as full staff privileges to the Department of Health, which issued the Columbia Planned Parenthood an abortion license last year. Once it became apparent that the Columbia facility did not actually meet licensing requirements, the DOH began the revocation process.

Continue reading this report here!

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