
Friday, May 27, 2016

Heart for the Next Generation Summer Conference and Impact Team 2016

Heart for the Next Generation Summer Conference is just around the corner and Living Stones Church will be hosting it once again. Rooms are blocked under "Heart for the Next Generation" at the Raddison Hotel, so call them at (219) 769-6311 to make your reservations now!

It's exciting that our upcoming conference is almost here and we can't wait to see all that God has in store for it. We will keep you updated with details as it draws near. Also, make sure to check out our new website and visit & like our Facebook page.

We love pouring into local churches around the county so we continue to have mini "Heart" events as often as we can. Recently Legacy Church in Charleston, South Carolina hosted us. After an evening of worship, prayer, seeking the Lord, and some teaching, we took everyone to the streets the next morning for some time of practical ministry. Follow that up with lunch and a time of questions and answers and you have a mini "Heart" event. These weekends are powerful and lives are always touched.

During the month of June, we are headed to Dayton, Ohio and St Paul, Minnesota to have two more mini "Heart" events. Taking the love of Jesus to dark places where lost and hurting people are is something we ALL need to be doing. If you would like to have a mini "Heart" event in your area, just contact us and we'll come to your church.

July 2 Impact Team begins!

Let us encourage, equip and inspire your young people. Impact Team candidates are young men & women ages 15 thru college who have a strong desire to live out their faith and make an impact on our culture. Teams will receive training in classroom settings on a daily basis by dynamic teachers from across the country. During that time they will gain a better understanding on the Biblical/Gospel connection when engaging in the cultural battles of our day.

Following classroom times will be practical times of ministry on the streets and prayer meetings in the evenings. By the end of the month you will not be the same!

Our hope is that these young people will then take the tools they've been given and go lead their own outreaches making an impact in their communities. If you know anyone that would like to be a part of the Impact Team, it's still not too late. There are a few slots still available, just go to: and fill out an application and become the leader that God would have you to be.

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  You can also follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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