
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Help Us Ban Dismemberment Abortions in Pennsylvania

from Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Union of Delaware County

Pennsylvania has had enormous difficulty passing Pro-Life Legislation ever since we lost Steve Freind, former State Representative from Delaware County, from our legislature.  We have passed a few minor bills around the periphery of the issue, but bills which focus on the victim have been buried.  We have a chance to change that right now. 

H.B. 1948 - aka Dismemberment Ban - prohibits the brutal abortion procedure, which rips a child apart limb-by-limb in her mother's womb. It also moves the ban on elective abortion from 6 months to 5 months. 

The bill has made it out of committee, and through 2nd consideration. It needs only to be called for a vote. We have upwards  of 130 votes for it in the House (including an estimated 20 Democrats). 

But, on the day of the scheduled final vote, Cecile Richards -CEO of Planned Parenthood - appeared with Governor Tom Wolf at a rally on the steps of the rotunda, to demand the bill be stopped. House "leadership" pulled it back, and it has been sitting there ever since.

We have planned a 1 hour rally on the steps of the rotunda at the Harrisburg Capitol  for June 7 at 11 am. We have a number of great speakers lined up, including Steve Freind. 

Please plan to join us at this rally. 

In the meantime, continue to contact Speaker of the House, Mike Turzai and Majority Leader Dave Reed and urge them to put H.B. 1948 up for a vote, letting them know that you don't want babies and mothers to suffer from dismemberment abortions. 

Speaker Mike Turzai

Majority Leader Dave Reed

 Remember, please be courteous when contacting these or any of our legislators.  

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