
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hospital Stops Abortions After Every Single Doctor Signs Pledge Refusing to Do Them


By Steven Ertelt
Life News

A hospital in Poland has stopped doing abortions after every single physician there signed a pledge refusing to do them. This good news is a lesson for the United States and other countries where abortion is legal — that getting doctors to stand up for life and the Hippocratic Oath is a method of protecting women and unborn children even within the confines of legalized abortion.

Here’s more:

A hospital in Rzeszów, Poland has stopped doing abortions after its doctors signed a clause that allows them to opt out because of conscience.

The Specialist Hospital Pro-Familia has become notorious for performing abortions when a midwife named Agata Rejman exposed its activities two years ago.

In January 2014, Rejman spoke at a press conference and testified to the abortions that were being done in the hospital. She said she and others working there cited the conscience clause and said that they refused to be involved in abortion, Rzeszow News reported.

The management responded by demanding that Rejman retract her statements, especially those saying that Pro-Familia “kills children.” Rejman was asked to pay 50,000 zlotych for Podkarpackie Hospice for Children and was threatened with a lawsuit if she failed to do this.

In the U.S. regarding doctors and abortions, the Obama Administration looks like it’s on a mission to trample religious and conscience protections and force as many people as it can to promote and pay for abortions.
Breitbart reports the pro-abortion administration issued a new nondiscrimination policy in the name of “equity” on Friday that pressures doctors and hospitals to promote and perform abortions. Those that don’t would not be eligible for federal funds including Medicare and Medicaid, according to the report.

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