
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Join Californians for Life for Pro-Life Summit 2016 on July 23rd

“Working Together to End Abortion in California”

July 23, 2016 
St. Philip the Apostle Church 
151 S. Hill Avenue, Pasadena
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

The Californians for Life Summit, co-sponsored by the Right to Life League of California brings together everyone who wants to work together to end abortion in our state. 

Pregnancy Clinics and Centers staff, 40 Days for Life participants, Students for Life members, Latinos for Life, Lutherans for Life, Pro-Life Presbyterians, Secular Pro-Life, Knights of Columbus, Silent No More advocates, post-abortion healing ministries, adoption programs, and many more organizations will all be represented.

 Information about pro-life candidates and the voting record of our current politicians will be provided.

For more information about this summit or to register, click here.  


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