
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Keep Your Petitions Coming - They DO Make a Difference

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

Armed with your petitions, we continue to add more and more members of Congress as cosponsors of our Life at Conception Act to bypass Roe v. Wade and ultimately end all abortion-on-demand.

Thanks to pressure from you and other NPLA members, the Life at Conception Act recently gained a new all-time record number of cosponsors in the U.S. House!

And with the additions of pro-life Members of Congress including the recent additions of Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina and Congressman Hal Rogers of Kentucky, the total number of Life at Conception Act cosponsors is now at 155!

Now, our 60 day goal is to add as many additional cosponsors as possible and then force floor votes on both the House and Senate bills.

So please sign the Life at Conception petition if you haven't already, and ask your friends and relatives to submit their petitions too. 

Because every human life is precious in the eyes of God, and science and common sense dictate that life begins at conception, it is clear that abortion is the wanton taking of human life and no truly great nation can allow this practice to take place.

Ever since the dreadful Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, more than 55 million precious unborn babies have lost their lives.

The National Pro-Life Alliance's members, staff and volunteers are dedicated to halting this slaughter once and for all. And despite the many remaining obstacles, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  For more information or to make a donation to help them with their work,  please use this link. 

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