
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Single Candles: Pro-life Short Stories by Brendan Lyons

Join me for the release of the first story in the Single Candles series, Broken Ranks, on May 14th. Each installment of this series of short stories will be available for $.99 on Amazon. 
Please invite anyone you think might be interested.

You can read Single Candles on any device with the Kindle apps found here.

About Single Candles

Single Candles is a series of fictional short stories exploring pro-life issues in modern America. In a culture that devalues the human person, the pro-life movement has long faced an uphill climb. While fictional, the stories in Single Candles are examples of the real ways we fight to protect life from conception to natural death. Each of the five stories in this first volume will be released monthly, starting May 14th. Enjoy!

About Broken Ranks

The first story in the series centers on Max and Jennifer Conlin, a pro-life Democratic Senator and a Neonatal Surgeon, respectively. Max’s star is on the rise until a special election gives his party a super majority. Buoyed by their increased power, the party leaders begin pushing legislation that conflicts with his beliefs. Meanwhile, Jen’s hospital, influenced by an influx of new money, is considering a number of changes including conducting elective abortions. Forced into two untenable situations, they must come together and find a way to save their careers without forfeiting their convictions.

About Brendan Lyons

It started with crayon and pencil drawings. Then it moved to an old IBM from 1990. A few years later, it graduated to a real life laptop computer. Whatever the medium, though, I have always loved writing. Did I ever dream writing would be my livelihood? Yes, daily. In fact, I still do.

Jokes aside, I've given a lot of my life to writing, but I've always viewed it as being fun, first and foremost. My hope is that, when you read my work, you can see that. In addition to writing, entertaining others is one of the main things that brings me joy. My hope is that, when you read my books, you smile, laugh, and even sometimes cry. Most of all, I hope a piece of myself is communicated to you and, if only for a few pages, we can understand one another.

Find more by Brendan Lyons by using this link. 

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