
Friday, June 24, 2016

Planned Parenthood Paying People Up to $720 a Week to Promote Hillary Clinton


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

One sure sign of Planned Parenthood’s struggles is its difficulty finding volunteers who will promote its radical pro-abortion agenda. Instead, it has to pay people.

Currently, the abortion business is advertising paid positions on Craig’s List to go door to door promoting presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and abortions in the Cleveland, Ohio area. The abortion group says people can earn up to $720 a week canvassing “in support of access to abortion, Planned Parenthood and Democratic candidates.”

One of the candidates certainly will be pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton who received Planned Parenthood’s endorsement and shares its extreme pro-abortion position. In a recent interview, Clinton said unborn babies just hours before birth should not have any Constitutional rights. She also defended partial-birth abortions and promised Planned Parenthood to work to force taxpayers to pay for abortions.

“Make a difference this year,” the Planned Parenthood ad reads. “Help protect access to Planned Parenthood and abortion services.”

Abortion activists often have to pay people to help promote their extreme abortion position because they cannot find enough willing volunteers. In March, LifeNews reported how abortion activists paid protesters to show up at the U.S. Supreme Court building as the justices heard arguments involving a Texas abortion case.

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