
Friday, June 24, 2016


from Bob Pawson, Executive Director
Pro-Life Educators of America

Please contact & encourage your Pro-Life friends & contacts in the greater Washington, DC area to go pray & picket against the pro-abortion policies & practices of the NEA teacher union as 10,000 NEA Delegates arrive in busloads at the Washington Convention Center.

When: Saturday, July 2, 2016
Where: Washington Convention Center (see map for details)
Time: Saturday, July 2, 11AM thru 1PM

We shall fan out along the public sidewalks near the main entrance of the Convention Center at L Street NW & 7th Street NW (MARTA trains & buses stop there. See link for map above.

Bring your usual pro-life signs or borrow an NEA specific sign on location. Repeal NEA's Family Planning Resolution I-17. Eliminate NEA as a player in the abortion conflict. It is both wicked & foolish for a Teachers Union to advocate the elimination of their future STUDENTS. 

NOTE: On Friday, July 1, go picket the NEA-affiliate HQ in YOUR state's capital city from 11AM-1PM.

Any Pennsylvanians near TRENTON, NJ... Come to NJEA HQ on:

Friday July 1, 2016
11AM -1PM
180 W State Street across from NJ State House

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pro-Life Friends & Colleagues,
    I'll be at NJEA HQ in Trenton, NJ on Friday.
    And at NEA Convention in Washington, DC on Saturday.
    Looking forward to seeing and meeting many of you at either location.
    Yours for > Bob Pawson
