
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Actress Ashley Judd Glad She Was Able to Abort Her Baby Instead of Having to “Deliver a Child”

By Micaiah Bilger
Live News

Actress Ashley Judd spoke during the Democratic National Convention this week about protecting the rights of sexual assault survivors like herself. Unfortunately, Judd also gave a passionate plea for legalized abortion on demand.

The actress spoke during an event hosted by NARAL, a radical pro-abortion group that supports abortion, not just in the rare cases, but for any reason up until birth. Earlier in the week, NARAL president Ilyse Hogue proudly bragged about her abortion at the DNC as the crowd cheered.

New York Magazine reports Judd told the NARAL “Men for Choice” crowd about how she became pregnant after she was raped. She said she made the “excruciating decision” to have an abortion, and now she is glad she did.

“If abortion had not been safe and legal at that time, I would have been forced to carry to term and deliver a child that was conceived in rape,” Judd said.
The report continues:
“We are a great country, and rapists have paternity rights in 22 states, including the state in which I was raped and the state which my rapist is from,” Judd went on. In many of those states, parental rights can’t be terminated unless the attacker is convicted of sexual assault, which as we’ve seen lately is not always easy to achieve, even in the cases when women report their rapes, which in the majority of cases they do not.
It’s protecting her right to decide what to do with her body, Judd says of why she’s with Hillary Clinton, because she can’t imagine a world in which the law would have required her to make a different choice than she did. “I am very grateful to NARAL and Men for Choice for allowing me the dignity to make that excruciating decision for myself.

Sexual assault is horrible, and survivors like Judd deserve the best care and support that society can provide. But, as is the case with Judd, sometimes rape results in the creation of a second victim – a child. That child, who did nothing wrong, also deserves care and support, not death.

Many pro-lifers do agree with Judd on one thing: It should be easier to terminate rapists’ parental rights. Women can be driven to abortion by the fear that having their child will force them to maintain contact with their abuser.

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