
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mike Pence: “The Great Work of Crisis Pregnancy Centers is Changing Hearts, Minds Every Day”

By Jay Hobbs
National Right to Life

Speaking on The O’Reilly Factor on Wednesday night, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Indiana Gov. Mike Pence made a strong endorsement of community funded pregnancy help organizations.

Asked about his thoughts on Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion on-demand the law of the land in all 50 states, Pence said that while voters at the state level should decide the issue, he hopes recent gains by the pro-life community are an indicator of things to come.

“I hope to live to see the day when we restore the sanctity of life back to the center of the law,” Pence said. “I’m pro-life, I don’t apologize for it. I truly do believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and… overturned over a century of pro-life laws that had been enacted through the democratic process in all 50 states.

“But, we’re making great progress. More people today embrace the sanctity of life than ever before. The great work of crisis pregnancy centers across my state and across this nation is changing hearts and changing minds every day.”

As governor of Indiana, Pence authorized $3.5 million in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to go to pregnancy help organizations in the current budget cycle after a $1 million pilot program through Real Alternatives served over 8,400 clients in the state last year.

Pence, who was elected governor in 2013, was tabbed July 15 by Donald J. Trump as his pick for Vice Presidential nominee.

Asked by host Bill O’Reilly how he responds to the abortion lobby’s allegations that he is anti-woman because of his pro-life stance, Pence brushed off the accusations.

“That just comes with the territory,” Pence said. “People who know me and look at my administration in the state of Indiana—we’ve had women in senior leadership in our cabinet positions and women in senior leadership in our executive branch. We’ve celebrated the accomplishments of women all across the state of Indiana.

“We’ll let the left do their [thing], the way they like to divide things up and segment the population, but we’re going to promote the policies that are going to benefit all Americans.”

For a list of Crisis Pregnancy Centers across the USA, please use this link. 

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