
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Come Join the Mercy Witness this Saturday, July 23 at 3801 Lancaster‏ in Philly

from Ted Meehan
Philly Alive

To each of you who witnesses in front of an abortion center, God is blessing you and moving hearts. Each car that passes, sees you, and understands why you are there. Your presence forces them to re-evaluate what they think about abortion, and Life. Because of you, hearts are being moved! Our culture is changing. Lives are being saved.

Over the past few years, dozens of abortion centers have closed. Women are being given alternatives. Help is being provided. Babies are alive today because of your faithfulness. You have not abandoned the babies or the mothers. You stand in prayer - sometimes in silence, and sometimes offering information on where to find help. And, the world is changing.

In January, we pro-lifers take off from work, and travel to Washington, to march for Life in the snow and freezing temperatures. Now, in the midst of a July heat wave, we are being asked to Witness for Life in front of the place where thousands of babies were murdered. Why now?

The Democratic Convention is being hosted by Philadelphia – starting on July 25. News reporters from around the world will be arriving in Philadelphia in advance to cover stories that are unique and connected to the Convention. The Democrats have become the Party of Gosnell. In the wake of the Gosnell atrocity, some states, like Texas and Pennsylvania, passed minimal standards for safety and sanitary conditions. These post-Gosnell regulations were opposed by the Democrats. Democrat judges overturned them, and both Hillary Clinton and Katy McGinty celebrate the return to unregulated conditions like Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” as a “victory for women”. May God help us!

There is a tragic irony to the Democratic Party’s coming to the city of Gosnell. They return physically to the home of Gosnell, just as they celebrate a return to Gosnell's back alley conditions. The Party of Gosnell returns – literally and symbolically.

We will witness in front of the House of Horrors at 3801 Lancaster Ave, in Philadelphia from 10am to 11am on Saturday, July 23. A Catholic Mass will be offered at the Drexel Neumann Center at 8:30am (a 10 minute walk from 3801 Lancaster). Passers by will notice us, and be forced to evaluate their opinions on Life, abortion, and the Party of Gosnell. Maybe God will place our Mercy Witness before a national audience, to challenge our nation to defend Life. Whoever sees us, and what effect we have on them is beyond our power. All we can do is to come, and pray. Mother Teresa told us that we are not called to be successful - only faithful. "Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for Me."

Will you join our Mercy Witness? Please come and bring a friend. (Spread the word)    For more information on this event, use this link.  

Thank you for your faithfulness to the babies!

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