
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Compelling Pro-Life Commercial Makes it Clear How Pro-Life Voters Should Vote This Election

By Emily Derois
Life News

On Tuesday, the Right to Life of Michigan released a compelling new video asking voters to support pro-life candidates in the coming election. The two-minute video urging citizens to “vote for life” is airing across the state of Michigan.

The video begins by articulating the importance of preserving the values our nation was founded on. While scenes of daily life flash across the screen, the narrator describes America’s core principles.

“It is in politics that the battle for life can have its greatest repercussions,” the female narrator says. “Our government is founded on the premise that every human being is endowed with certain unalienable rights. In the battle for life this means that the government, which is strong, would protect the rights of the individual, which by comparison, are weak.”

She continues: “The political candidates we vote for either uphold this principle, or undermine it.”

Next, the ad reminds viewers of the value and worth of every life. Protecting the lives of all, particularly the oppressed and disadvantaged, are among the fundamental tenants of the pro-life movement.

“Whether born or unborn, the life of a woman is equal to the life of a man. A person of one race is equal to a person of any other race. A person with disadvantages is equal to a person with many advantages,” the narrator states.

This coming election is critical for those involved in the abortion debate. Republican nominee Donald Trump just named Mike Pence, the Indiana governor who has spent his political career working tirelessly in defense of the unborn, as his choice for vice president. Meanwhile, the likely Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton consistently reveals her extreme pro-abortion stance.

Right to Life of Michigan shows its endorsements on its website, so pro-life voters can know which candidates will work to pass pro-life legislation. To effectively defend the lives of the disabled, elderly, and unborn, the pro-life group is urging voters to vote pro-life.

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