
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Kaine Wants to Save the Lobo

by Bill Donohue, President
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights 

Bill Donohue comments on Sen. Tim Kaine's pro-life record:

Tim Kaine wants to save the lobo, but not the kids.

I confess I had no idea what a lobo was until I looked it up—it's a Mexican grey wolf. Tim says we are running out of them (he does not say whether we should build a wall to save them). How do I know? Because the Defender of Wildlife Action Fund gave him a 91 percent rating in 2015, and a 100 percent rating in 2013; on the front page of its website the #1 cause is "Don't Let the Lobos Go Extinct."

The Defender of Wildlife Action Fund is also worried about saving the eggs of the bald eagle, a goal that Tim no doubt shares (as do I). What about human eggs? Tim has no interest in protecting them. How do I know? Because he merits a 100 percent rating from both NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and they support abortion-on-demand.

The Washington Post calls Tim "A Pope Francis Catholic." But the pope's position on abortion would receive a 0 from NARAL and Planned Parenthood. The pope also supports marriage, properly understood.

In a Polling Company survey we commissioned of Catholics last year, we learned that 61 percent of Catholics reported that abortion should not be permitted in all or most instances; the figure for practicing Catholics was higher. That means Tim is not representative of most Catholics on this issue.

Tim likes gay marriage. How do I know? Because he received a 100 percent rating from the radical gay group, the Human Rights Campaign. Once again, Tim is out of step: our survey found that 58 percent of Catholics think marriage should be between a man and a woman.

If Tim were to treat unborn children the way he treats lobos, and acknowledge the obvious—marriage was meant for the only two people who can create a family—he would improve his standing among Catholics. As it is, his positions make him an outlier.

The Catholic League is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. Founded in 1973 by the late Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., the Catholic League defends the right of Catholics – lay and clergy alike – to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.  For more information on this organization, please use this link. 

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