
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Abortionist Who Failed to Report Rape of Two 13-Year-Old Girls Loses His Medical License

Abortionist Urlich Klopfer

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Indiana based abortion practitioner has lost his medical license for at least six months after being found guilty on multiple counts of breaking state abortion reporting and health and safety requirements. Ulrich Klopfer is also the abortion practitioner who failed to report the rape of two teenage girls to state officials.

Early this morning the Indiana Medical Licensing Board found longtime abortion doctor Ulrich Klopfer guilty of five of nine charges brought against him. The Board took disciplinary action against Klopfer by suspending his medical license for a minimum of six months, issuing a fine and requiring certain training if he should ever petition to reinstate his medical license.

Klopfer was before the Board because of 1,833 abortion violations listed in an administrative licensing complaint filed in Sept. 2014 by Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller and additional charges filed in an amended complaint in Jan. 2016. Testimony before the Board took more than 12 hours.

According to Indiana Right to Life, which has been following the case closely, Klopfer’s alleged violations stem from record keeping and informed consent law errors he made while doing abortions in Gary, South Bend and Fort Wayne. According to the alleged violations in the Attorney General’s 2014 complaint, Klopfer submitted 1,818 termination of pregnancy reports with missing or incorrect information.

He failed to submit two termination of pregnancy reports within three days as required by law for abortions performed on 13-year-old girls who were obvious victims of statutory rape.

Six times, he failed to ensure informed and voluntary consent was provided by properly credentialed staff. Qualified staff was not available to monitor patients who had received sedation. Finally, he failed to obtain informed and voluntary consent for seven patients at least 18-hours prior to the abortion procedure.
“The Indiana Medical Licensing Board’s decision to suspend Klopfer’s medical license effectively puts an end to his decades of shameful practices in Indiana,” said Mike Fichter, President and CEO of Indiana Right to Life.

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