
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Pro-Life Teens Make a Difference!

By Marcy Thompson
Wisconsin Right to Life

Young people are the future of any movement, and pro-life teens are definitely making a difference all over our state! If you’re a pro-life teen passionate about the right to life, get ready to be inspired by these two amazing pro-life teens in Wisconsin:

Dale, 18, helped found her Dodge County’s Teens 4 Life group. She got involved 5 years ago because of L!fe Camp, Wisconsin Right to Life’s teen camp. Her group has been involved in parades, Dollars for Life, and a Mother’s Day rose sale.

In addition, Dale has had opportunity to talk to people about life who ask about her group’s bright red “We Stand 4 Life” t-shirts. Dale’s advice to teens looking to make a difference is, “Start small, don’t try to do big things until you know you are ready” and to “work hard, but have fun mixed in with the work!”

Maria, 19, from La Crosse County, grew up in a pro-life family and knew from a young age that babies deserved to live. During her freshman year of high school, she and her best friend started a local pro-life teens group. In the last year, her group conducted a diaper drive, had educational meetings on debating various pro-life topics, held vigils regularly at a Catholic hospital that has an abortionist, and attended the March for Life in Chicago.

The March for Life was very powerful, and Maria said, “It was truly amazing to see the hope for the future in thousands of other youth who are passionate about saving lives!”

Maria says that the best part of being in a pro-life teens group is the support from peers who share the same views regarding protecting the innocent. To other teens, Maria’s advice is, “Your first task is to take action! Learn as much as you can! The more you know, the more information you have to back your position. Lastly, don’t get discouraged…you can do anything!”

If you are interested in starting your own teens group, contact Joleigh Little at!

(Editor’s note. If you don’t live in Wisconsin, check out

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