
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Irish High Court Rules That a Preborn Child Has a Right to Life

By Life Institute
Live Action News

(Life Institute) A High Court judge has ruled that the word ‘unborn’ in the Irish Constitution means an “unborn child” with rights beyond the right to life which “must be taken seriously” by the State.

The Irish Times reports that Mr. Justice Richard Humphreys said that the unborn child, including the unborn child of a parent facing deportation, enjoys “significant” rights and legal position at common law, by statute, and under the Constitution, “going well beyond the right to life alone”.

The judgment was made in a judicial review of a deportation order. mail App

Mr Justice Humphreys said many of those rights were “actually effective” rather than merely prospective.

He also said that Article 42a of the Constitution, inserted by a 2012 referendum, obliges the State to protect “all” children and that because an “unborn” is “clearly a child”, Article 42a applied to all children “both before and after birth”.
Niamh Uí Bhriain of the Life Institute said that this was a significant ruling which confirmed that the unborn baby was deserving of all the rights and protections to which every other person was entitled. She added that the ruling was a blow to those who were seeking to discriminate against children before birth and who argued that the preborn child was not fully human or entitled to human rights.

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared at Life Institute, and is reprinted here with permission.

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