
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mom of Baby Born at 22 Weeks Challenges Hillary: Look at My Son Before You Push Abortion

By Emily DeRois
Life News

On Tuesday, the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List shared a video that highlights Hillary Clinton’s extreme stance on abortion. The video features Micah, a 4-year-old boy who was born prematurely at 22 weeks and four days.

Micah’s mother, Danielle Pickering, tells her son’s incredible story in the ad. She and her husband were happy with the news of her pregnancy; but, the family’s struggles began when her water broke at 22 weeks and she gave birth to a very premature baby boy. Some doctors do not even consider a baby to be viable until 24 weeks, though Micah’s story and new research indicate that babies can and do survive earlier.
“When we first got to see him, he grabbed onto our fingers and he just held tight,” Danielle said. “He was ready for this fight.”
The video shows footage of Micah now, healthy and playing happily with his parents. This week he turned 4 years old.


Micah’s mother witnessed first-hand the humanity of her son at 22 weeks. Now, she wants others to recognize that these babies should be protected.
Danielle explained, “For somebody to say that a baby at 20 weeks doesn’t have the right to live, I want to tell them to come and see Micah.”
In the ad, Micah’s mother briefly described Hillary Clinton’s stance on late-term abortions. Clinton would not protect lives like Micah’s, as she supports abortions without exception. In April, the Democratic nominee said that an unborn child just hours before delivery has no Constitutional rights.
“This is a child’s life at stake, and she [Clinton] is not cherishing that child’s life,” Danielle said.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, said: “If Hillary had her way, how many more young children like Micah would not be here with us today? That’s why we created this TV ad, to put a face on the unborn children threatened by Hillary’s extreme pro-abortion agenda.”

Children like Micah won’t be protected under the law if Hillary Clinton is put into office. She opposes abortion bans after 20 weeks of pregnancy when scientific evidence shows that unborn babies feel excruciating pain, and she wants to force taxpayers to pay for abortions. Clinton also has spoken in support of gruesome partial-birth abortions, which are illegal.

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