
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Join Priests for Life for a Religious Liberty Webcast on Monday, September 12th

from Father Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life

After Priests for Life and other religious non-profit groups waged an almost five-year legal battle against the Obama Administration, the Supreme Court earlier this year told us and the government that we should sit down and work things out, as it was their opinion -- and ours in fact -- that a solution could be found that preserved our religious freedom. Those discussions have gotten underway. And then, to our surprise, the government opened up the process to public comment.

The webcast will explain to concerned citizens how they can lend their voices in support of Priests for Life, the Little Sisters, and various dioceses and Christian ministries who have stood firm against the government's attempt to make them complicit in the expansion of abortion.

So now, confident that Americans believe in religious freedom, we will engage the process of public comment and help interested people, Churches, and groups to do so.

The deadline for public comments is 11:59 pm on Tuesday, September 20.

The hour-long webcast will feature Fr. Pavone and attorney Robert Muise of the American Freedom Law Center. They will explain the importance of letting the Obama administration know that it cannot place the promotion of abortion and contraception above religious rights.

This is a crucial opportunity for people to stand for religious freedom and against the Obama administration’s oppressive, anti-life proposal. I strongly urge everyone who cares about the right to freely practice their faith to go online and join us for this important webcast.

Sign up here and the information you need to participate on September 12 at 9:00 PM will appear on the screen and will also be emailed to you.
Please invite others to join us as well!

Priests for Life has come to signify two distinct but related movements within the wider pro-life movement.

On one level, as described below, Priests for Life refers to a very specific effort to galvanize the clergy to preach, teach, and mobilize their people more effectively in the effort to end abortion and euthanasia.

On another level, Priests for Life represents a family of ministries that reach and enrich every aspect of the pro-life movement, for clergy and laity alike, in a wide variety of activities. This has come to pass precisely because priests are not ordained for themselves, but for the people.So in activating clergy, we are activating all the segments of the Church, the pro-life movement, and the wider society in the defense of life.

We refer to this wider family of ministries as Gospel of Life Ministries, to indicate that what unites them all is the Gospel of Life, the good news that life is victorious over death!

So whether you are clergy or laity, young or old, active or inactive, and whatever your religious or ethnic background, you're in the right place if you want to do something to restore protection to the most vulnerable members of the human family!

For more information on Priests for Life or to help them with their work, please use this link.  

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