
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Urgent Call to Action: Your Comments Are Needed on Chimera Research

Amy McInerny, Executive Director
Human Life Action

Your help is urgently needed and there is limited time to act. Won’t you please click here now to defend the dignity of human life? The National Institutes of Health, (NIH), has recently announced its intention to lift its moratorium on funding research that involves injecting human embryonic stem cells into animal embryos thus creating part-human and part-animal organisms known as chimeras. This means that, for the first time, the Federal government will begin spending taxpayer dollars on the creation and manipulation of new beings whose very existence blurs the line between humans and non-human animals.

Public comments in opposition to this unethical research are currently being accepted. However, the window to act is tight; comments close on September 6 at midnight. Comments may be submitted electronically or by mail. A suggested message and instructions on how to submit comments, as well as further information about the ethical issues involved in the research may be found in the Human Life Action Center here.

Please act now. Comments submitted by post should be mailed by September 1 to insure they arrive at NIH by Tuesday, September 6. All comments must be received by midnight (EDT) Tuesday, September 6.

Thank you for raising your voice in defense of human life and dignity. Together we will be heard!

Human Life Action (HLA)  is a project of National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, Inc., (NCHLA). 

Human Life Action believes in the inherent dignity of every life and the power of every American to raise his or her voice in defense of the vulnerable. When thousands upon thousands of people of good will raise their voices as one we are heard on Capitol Hill.

We can--and must--help shape a public policy that protects life and liberty. Together we will be heard!    F
or more information on HLA, please use this link.  

Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link

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  1. I urge the National Institutes of Health to NEVER lift its moratorium on funding research that involves injecting human embryonic stem cells into animal embryos thus creating part-human and part-animal organisms known as chimeras. This is a monstrous idea, and must never be allowed to happen. It is unbelievable to me that it could ever be suggested, let alone allowed. Please, do not allow this kind of research to happen. I am horrified that it might even be considered! STOP THIS INSANITY! I don't see any place to sign my name, so I'm listing it here: Mrs. Patricia Barta, Tucson, AZ 85653

    1. Use this link for more information on how to submit your commennts.

  2. I hope that common sense prevails and that this type on unnatural research remains in a banned status. There is nothing worthwhile to be gained from this project. I'm sure that there are many more important projects in need of funds which will provide a measurable benefit to humanity.
