
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Media Outlets Still Insist Planned Parenthood Never Sold Aborted Baby Parts

By Tom Blumer
Life News

Last month, Harris County’s prosecutor in Texas dropped the remaining criminal charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress. This ended a clearly politically motivated attempt to turn the tables on the pro-life heroes who showed that Planned Parenthood was trafficking in fetal body parts for compensation.

Predictably, the Associated Press did not handle the news well, essentially claiming that the CMP pair weren’t prosecuted because of a “technicality,” and continuing the myth propagated by Planned Parenthood by presenting as a supposedly indisputable fact that “The organization has said it never has and never would sell fetal tissue.”

Here are several paragraphs from reporter Michael Graczyk’s Tuesday evening report(bolds are mine throughout this post):

Last charges dropped in case over Planned Parenthood videos

Texas prosecutors on Tuesday dropped the last remaining charges against two California anti-abortion activists who made undercover videos of themselves trying to buy fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood, agreeing with the defense’s argument that the grand jury exceeded its authority by investigating the activists after clearing Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing.  

District Judge Brock Thomas dismissed the tampering with government records charges against David Daleiden, 27, and Sandra Merritt, 63, at the request of the Harris County prosecutor’s office.

“The grand jury took the investigation where the facts led it, however Texas law limits what can be investigated after a grand jury extension order is issued,” District Attorney Devon Anderson said in a statement. “In light of this and after careful research and review, this office dismissed the indictments.”

Anderson, a Republican who ran as a “proud, pro-life Texan mother of two” during the 2014 election, supported the charges when they were handed down in January, stressing at the time that at the outset of the investigation, she stated that “we must go where the evidence leads us.” That didn’t sit well with many members of her party.

Anderson’s pro-life bonafides beyond personal bragging are quite questionable.

News article continues

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