
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

'UNITED' 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign Events in West Chester, Pa.

From Paulette Matthews
Chester County Pro-Life

  • 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally
  • 4th Annual "Early Midway" Baby Shower
  • Columbus Day Event
  • 57 Memorial White Crosses
  • 40 Days for Life Website 

America is at a crossroads and the second half of 2016 provides an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the end of abortion.  Many good people are still not aware of the plight of the unborn and the impact abortion has on our county.  When our country was unraveling in our past history, our forefathers turned to prayer.

This Fall 40 Days for Life Campaign is uniting all 50 of the United States simultaneously in prayer, fasting and public witnessing.  All 50 states have previously held campaigns contributing to the saving of over 11,796 babies, but never before have all 50 states participated in one campaign.  

To enhance this accomplishment, National 40 Days for Life is planning a massive cross country tour visiting each and every campaign from sea to shining sea.

Thank you for your continual support of 40 Days in Chester County so that we may be part of this monumental event.

40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally
Sunday, September 25th
12:30 - 2:00 pm
Covenant Fellowship Church
1 Fellowship Drive
Glen Mills, PA 

All are welcome to share in a pizza lunch.  Videos and testimonies to educate and share the joys of choosing life.Your attendance will encourage others to step up and witness and pray in front of Planned Parenthood. 

4th Annual 'Early Midway" Baby Shower

 Twenty years ago, on August 6, 1996, Planned Parenthood of West Chester began destroying unborn children at 8 S. Wayne Street. For 20 years, and continuing to the present, every Tuesday an entire classroom of children are obliterated at the West Chester's Planned Parenthood abortion facility. This Planned Parenthood is responsible for the deaths of over 20,000 children and counting.

Ironically, the borough of West Chester's population consistently averages out to be approximately 20,000 residents. These two statistics gives a visual conception of the loss this particular Planned Parenthood is perpetrating upon our nation.

By putting our concern in action, our baby shower brings attention to some of the joys of life. From 10 am to 2 pm we will be walking with baby strollers and balloons celebrating life in front of Planned Parenthood.  Stop by and walk with us and help us fill the strollers.

Also, please encourage your churches and organizations to participate in this event. Dollar Store items are more than welcome.  Also, larger size diapers are always in need.  Used clothing items up to age 4 is also a blessing.  

If you are collecting items, I am more than willing to come and pick them up at your convenience, anytime or place, if you cannot visit PP on Saturday.  All proceeds are shared with Chester County Women Services, Birthright in West Chester and Birthright in Coatesville.

40 Days for Life is always aided by pregnancy centers in so many ways.  This is a great way to show our appreciation and help lighten their burdens in their helping of the mothers and babies.  

Rain or shine, we will be there.  

Columbus Day Event
October 10, 2016
8:00 am - 8:00 pm 

Men of faith have been an intricate part of the success of 40 Days for Life since its inception. Their visibility from organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, King's Men, and all who profess the Gospel of Life have had a tremendous success in saving the lives of many unborn children.

Christoper Columbus was a man of great faith.  So on that day, we encourage all men to make a special effort to be visible in prayer in front of Planned Parenthood.  Women need to know that men, who are designed by God to be the authors of life, do care for them and children. Encourage and invite other men to stand with you for life.

57 Memorial White Crosses 

To reach as many people as possible at this crucial time in the history of the United States, 40 Days for Life will close this Fall Campaign by carrying the 57 white Memorial crosses through the borough of West Chester stopping at the old courthouse.
We will gather in the back parking lot of St. Agnes Catholic Church at 2:00 pm. Each person will be asked to carry one white cross representing 1 million babies lost to abortion.

Signs will also be handed out to carry, giving an explanation as to why we are processing.  The longer the line of crosses, the more impact this walk will have on the community so we truly need a minimum of 70 people.  

Children are encouraged to join in this walk.  Who else better to represent the unborn?  

We will conclude the procession at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 110 W. Market Street.  A light lunch will be served in appreciation for your participation in 40 Days and making this Memorial Procession possible.

This is a great event to invite those that have not yet participated in a 40 Days for Life event as they will have the opportunity to meet other people who have a concern for the unborn and their families.  All are welcome.

40 Day for Life Website

If you have not done so as yet, please sign up on 40 Days for Life website/Chester County by clicking on the image below.  You will also be able to find any updates and podcasts that are available.  If possible, log in your planned vigil hours.  

God Bless and continue to pray for the success of the Fall Campaign!

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. Follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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