
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Provost at This Catholic University is Also a Board Member of a Local Abortion Clinic

Julie Orio, Catholic University of San Francisco, Vice-Provost Student Life
and  Board Member, Women's Community [Abortion] Clinic

By Emily Derois
Life News

The Catholic University of San Francisco appointed an abortion clinic board member as the vice-provost of student life on July 28. Julie Orio, the new vice-provost, also is a board member of the Women’s Community Clinic, an abortion facility in the city, California Catholic Daily reported.

A recent USF press release describes Orio’s involvement with the school and community: “Orio has served as interim vice provost of student life at USF since August 2015, where she has led a team of approximately 140 full-time professionals and 25 graduate students to enliven the university’s Jesuit mission […] She will begin her permanent role immediately.”

The release continued: “Beyond her responsibilities at USF, since 2006 she has been actively involved in the Women’s Community Clinic in San Francisco, serving as board member and chair.”

Women’s Community Clinic supplies women with the abortion pill. It also provides birth control and emergency contraception. Promoting abortion goes directly against the teachings of the Catholic Church, and therefore the very principles that USF was founded upon. USF identifies as a Jesuit college. In its mission statement the university states, “The core mission of the university is to promote learning in the Jesuit Catholic tradition.”

The teachings of the Catholic Church are clear regarding abortion. The Church’s Catechism says, “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.” In his recent trip to Poland for World Youth Day, Pope Francis encouraged the Polish in their defense of the unborn, stating: “All of us are called to respect life and care for it.”
This isn’t the only time USF linked itself with the abortion business. In 2013, the school’s Nursing and Health Professions website listed Planned Parenthood as a possible organization for future employment. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, performing one third of all abortions in the United States.

Clearly the tenets of the Catholic Church contradict any association with the taking of unborn life. Consequently, it is shocking that the Jesuit university made a member of the abortion board the vice-provost of student life.

ACTION: Contact the University of San Francisco to complain at 415-422-5555. To contact the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco, 
call at 415-614-5500.

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