
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Story of a Baby Saved by Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Lauren Muzyka, Executive Director
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Another miraculous story from the sidewalk to share with you -- this one from the Southeast! Our program director in that area shared the following with us...

"I'm happy to report a woman with an appointment for an abortion of her 3rd child made the decision to cancel her appointment and go to the (pregnancy center). One of our (Sidewalk Advocates) spoke to her and her husband for about 20-30 minutes after she directed them to a grassy spot next to the Planned Parenthood driveway. (She) spoke to them in Spanish and shared some personal family history, as well as presented the 'Watch Me Grow' pamphlet and fetal model, as she spoke words of help and encouragement to the couple. The woman and her husband left to their new appointment with (the pregnancy center), wearing huge smiles in their joyous decision for life! We all feel blessed!"

After two years of ministry, we can tell you that these amazing stories never get old!

Here's what's even more amazing: When it comes to this incredible journey that the Lord has called us to on the sidewalk ...this is now business as usual.

In fact, just about every day -- thanks to your prayers and support -- we get a story or two like this! Since we started just over two years ago, we've witnessed almost 1,400 babies saved ...among other miracles!

Your support has helped make moments like this possible. God continues to show us that if we say YES to Him – and we persevere – He will show us amazing victories!

Sidewalk Advocates for Life takes a peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding approach to reaching out to those servicing the abortion center. We seek to be the hands & feet of Christ and to ‘stand in the gap’ for those who, ironically, may feel they have no choice. While we provide crisis intervention on the sidewalk to women in unplanned pregnancies headed into the abortion center, we recognize that our outreach can only go so far: we must offer her real, ongoing help or crisis management. Our interaction never ends without offering her life-affirming alternatives such as help from the local pregnancy resource center(s) and other organizations in her local community.

For more information or to make a donation,, please use this link.  Your support has helped make moments like this possible. God continues to show us that if we say YES to Him – and we persevere – He will show us amazing victories!  

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.   Follow us on  FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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