
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Upcoming Events from Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

from Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

Here are some upcoming opportunities you should be aware of, including one this week!

  • Show Support for Case Against Physician Assisted Suicide - Friday
  • Day of Remembrance of Aborted Babies - Sept 10th
  • 40 Days for Life - Sept 28th thru Nov 6th
  • Voiceless Movie Campaign - Oct 7th
  • Be a Full-Time or Part-Time Cristeros Missionary NOW thru Election Day!


As you may know, physician assisted suicide (PAS) went into effect in California on May 9th. Despite having been stalled in regular session, the bill was re-numbered as ABX2-15 and sent to a special session of the state legislature called by the Governor last year. The special session was NOT called for consideration of physician assisted suicide. Through these devious means, the bill was passed by a 4-vote margin in the 80-member Assembly and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown.

The content of this new life-and-death law and the method by which it was passed are contrary to our state Constitution and are being challenged by the Life Legal Defense Foundation in Riverside Superior Court. See the legal papers. Presiding Judge Daniel Ottolia will hear the case and make his decision on Friday, August 26th. This case merits intense public interest in the courtroom. PAS proponents such as Compassion and Choices may attempt to pack the chamber. Let us be sure to have a large anti-PAS presence there. Here are the details:

WHO: Calling pro-lifers to stand against physician assisted suicide. We've done it before, let's do it again!

WHAT: A strong anti-physician assisted suicide presence is desired during the hearing and verdict on the illegality of ABX2-15 as signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. We are not there to lobby the judge; rather we are there to show unceasing public concern with the issue. A strong turnout could help carry a good verdict forward should it be appealed.

WHERE: Superior Court of Riverside County - The Old Historic Court Building; 4050 Main St., Riverside, CA (main entrance on Main Street between 10th and 11th Street). Wheelchair entrance on 10th St. 
Directions - Once you pass through the metal detectors at the entrance, go to Department 4 (Floor 1) and line up outside the courtroom, which seats about 35 people. Look for Dr. Dale Broome who is leading this support event.
Parking - There is street-side metered parking for up to 4 hours all around the downtown area. Parking structures are also located at: 3535 12th Street, 4090 Lemon St., 3964 Orange Street.

WHEN: Friday, August 26, 2016
Muster at the court house at 7 a.m. Court house opens at 7:30. The trial starts at 8:30 a.m.

ATTIRE: Our color is RED. Their color is yellow. Wear something red. Business attire suggested. No signs are allowed in the courtroom.

COORDINATION: Let us know if you plan to attend and we'll keep you informed of any important developments. Respond to


We invite you to join us for an important pro-life prayer service taking place in Riverside, CA on Saturday, September 10th, 2016.

We will honor the memory of the more than 60 million preborn victims of abortion during the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.

Solemn prayer services will be held simultaneously at grave sites around the country where abortion victims have been buried, as well as at many other memorial sites dedicated in their honor.

I hope that you will be able to join us for the memorial service taking place in our community:

Event: Memorial Service for Victims of Abortion - Riverside LocationWhen: Saturday, September 10th, 2016Time: 10 amLocation: Pierce Brothers Crestlawn Memorial Park
Address: 11500 Arlington Ave. Riverside, CA 92505

This solemn memorial service will last approximately one hour.

Please come out for this important pro-life event, prayerfully witnessing to the humanity of our preborn brothers and sisters, together with our fellow pro-lifers throughout the country.

In the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord promised us: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted."

For more information or any questions, please email 

You can learn more about the Day of Remembrance and the history about the memorial service right here. Some background on the grave-site itself is available here from Life Advocate!

The Survivors will be leading the 40 Days for Life Campaign at the San Bernardino Planned Parenthood! 

Praise Report: By Gods grace our sidewalk counselors rescued over 30 preborn children and over 30 couples accepted alternatives to from birth control through Natural Family Planning! This cost PP over $15,000! Because of our free, compassionate resources families chose life and love! There is now a wall surrounding PP's lies, abuse and death. They thought the wall would keep us away, yet we will continue to be strong in prayer!

Challenge: Save more lives with the Cristeros during 40 Days for Life! With more churches, families, teens and YOU involved we could save so many more babies and parents from the pain of abortion! Contact us to help you get started.

From September 28th to November 6th: It is a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization dedicated to prayer and activism at the frontlines of the abortion war. We pray that, with God's help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city - and beyond!! Come ready to make a commitment to stand for the preborn and defend them in their mothers womb.

What: 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign Kickoff RallyWhen: TBA
Time: TBAWhere: Planned Parenthood San Bernardino1873 Commercenter Dr W, San Bernardino, CA 92408
Contact: to be added to the campaign mailing list.

Can't join this one? Find a location near you!

Bring Voiceless to your community!

The Survivors will be sponsoring the Voiceless movie in a local theater in the Inland Empire!

Date: October 4th or 5th. More details coming.
The Voiceless film is about Christian prayer in action for Gods greater glory! During our Survivors Camp we were all inspired by the main characters perseverance and courage to be on the frontlines of the abortion battle. It was a privilege to watch it at camp with Rusty before it is out in theaters.

"A gripping story, infused with heart and soul, VOICELESS illustrates why one courageous individual risked everything to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" ... and the profound ripple effect that each of us can have while answering that call. Watch this emotionally compelling story, and then share VOICELESS with friends, family, and fellow believers. Just make sure to have a box of tissues nearby!" - David Bereit, CEO 40 days for Life

Have you been seeking a way to get your Church involved? Do you see your brothers and sisters lose hope in their faith and trust in God? Could the youth in your parish do more to rescue babies? This movie is an essential tool to use to activate our Churches! It is important for our churches to watch this film because so many of our brothers and sisters have been gravely affected by abortion and the Word of God offers healing and freedom! Now it is time to stand up for God's truth and spread the light to rescue families by engaging our Churches to be actively prolife because we need them to join the fight to end abortion!

More information on this film can be found here.

Cristeros Job Opportunities

How many jobs have you had that you can look back on and say I saved a life!?This is something powerful to share with your future children. Make this opportunity worth while. Make it count for something.

Join the Cristeros team and live and work for Christ in daily activism for the pre-born. We will save lives this coming year -- only questions are: Are you a Cristero -- a Christ follower? And will you be in the fight He has called you to?

"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth" - 1 John 3:18

Join us on the front lines of the abortion battle!  Part and Full Time positions available.  Contact Survivors: (951) 750-1114 |

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