
Sunday, August 28, 2016

University of New Mexico Dept. Head Confirms High School Students Dissected Aborted Baby Brains

By Susan Michelle
Live Action News

A recent video shows the chancellor of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Paul Roth, admitting that one of the university’s summer science programs for high school students dissected baby brains for research.

This confirms what the House Select Panel on Infant Lives exposed in its report when it referred the university to the New Mexico attorney general for criminal charges for possibly violating New Mexico’s Jonathan Spradling Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.

Roth, who is also the dean of the medical school, is shown in a video released by the New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL), admitting that some baby brains were used in research.
 View video on website:
The person questioning repeatedly tells him she is videotaping the conversation and asks Roth to repeat what he said earlier about using human remains with high school students. Roth replies on camera:
"Yes, we had a faculty member who obtained some tissue, and during one of these summer workshops, uh, dissected I think one or two fetal brains." 
Roth declined to confirm the source of the fetal brains when the questioner asked him “were those from Dr. Boyd’s?” The questioner is referring to the abortion facility operated by late-term abortionist, Curtis Boyd, who also teaches at the university’s medical school. Boyd’s facility provides fetal tissue for UNMHSC, and in February, the university’s response to the Select Panel included this comment:
The only entity from which UNMHSC receives fetal tissue is Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, NM. The tissue is donated at no cost to UNMHSC and it is picked up by the clinic by UNMHSC staff. UNMHSC does not purchase or sell fetal tissue, nor does it transfer fetal tissue in exchange for any other valuable consideration. (Attachment 22, page 114)

Since the brain acquisition occurred prior to this comment, and the comment mentions SWWO as an exclusive source, it would seem that the university claims no other source, despite Roth saying he doesn’t know for sure where the human fetal brains came from. Previously, Roth also indicated in a letter (acquired by NMAFL) to New Mexico legislators that UNMHSC contracts with SWWO.

In a letter to its mailing list on August 18, NMAFL commented on the video exchange, saying:

One witness described UNM HSC’s chief, Paul Roth’s demeanor as “cold, clinical and dismissive-it was very apparent he didn’t want to be bothered with questions about UNM’s use of human fetal remains, even though his salary is paid by the taxpayers of this state.
Article continues  

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