
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Abortion Activist George Soros Funding Pro-Abortion March to Legalize Abortion in Ireland

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News
Abortion activists are planning a march in Ireland this weekend to demand that the nation legalize abortion on demand and stop protecting unborn babies.

However, most of the support for the pro-abortion campaign appears to be coming from outside the country and not its own citizens.
Strong evidence suggests that American billionaire George Soros is using his fortune to push Ireland to legalize abortion. In a column for Eurasia Review this week, William Donohue pointed out that Soros gave money to three of the pro-abortion groups that are promoting the “March for Choice” in Dublin and about 20 other cities this weekend.

Donohue said Soros’s Open Society Foundations funds Amnesty International Ireland, the Abortion Rights Campaign and the Irish Family Planning Association, all of which are involved the effort to repeal Ireland’s Eighth Amendment, which protects the right to life for unborn babies.

Abortion activists expect as many as 20,000 people at the pro-abortion marches this weekend, the Irish Times reports. Dublin is the location for the main march, but organizers told the newspaper that 20 events will be occurring globally in solidarity with abortion activists in Ireland.

Forbes ranks Soros as the 23rd richest person in the world. He is a regular major donor to pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia groups. Soros is just one source of anti-life groups’ funding. Warren Buffett, the third richest in the world, also is a major donor to pro-abortion causes, as is Bill Gates, who ranks first, and Mark Zuckerberg, who ranks sixth.

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