
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Where do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?

from Hon. Marilyn Musgrave
Vice President of Government Affairs
Susan B. Anthony List

In a letter to pro-life leaders, Donald Trump added a fourth pro-life promise to his existing three commitments on the life issue.

He also announced in the letter that our own Marjorie Dannenfelser will serve as National Chairwoman for his Pro-life Coalition. (Check out a few of the news stories in The Hill, Politico, & USA Today).

In light  Mr. Trump’s new commitment to protecting the conscience rights of pro-life taxpayers by making the Hyde Amendment permanent law – we put together the below graphic to show how the two presidential candidates stack up.


Letter from Donald Trump to Pro-Life Leaders, September16, 2016
SBAList: Election 2016 - Life on the Line
TIME Magazine: "A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Be Terrible for the Anti-Abortion Rights Movement" by Marjorie Dannenfelser, June 24, 2016

If you found this graphic helpful, I hope you'll forward it to your friends to share with them just how different the two tickets are when it comes to abortion.

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