
Friday, September 23, 2016

ACTION ALERT: Stop Congress from Caving to Planned Parenthood!

from Lila Rose
Live Action

Less than a year ago, Congress passed historic legislation to defund Planned Parenthood. But incredibly, that same Congress is now actually considering giving Planned Parenthood a new, additional funding source, and I need you to help me stop it!

For months, Planned Parenthood-funded members of Congress have shamefully blocked a $1.1 billion Zika response bill, demanding that some of that money be earmarked for Planned Parenthood.

Congress has refused those demands -- until now.

Now that a September 30th deadline is looming to pass a spending bill (called a continuing resolution) to fund the entire government, the Zika bill is being rolled into this larger bill. News reports indicate the Republican leadership may be backing down, changing the language of the Zika bill to allow funds to be diverted to the abortion giant instead of only to facilities that don't commit abortions.

Planned Parenthood already receives over half a billion dollars annually in taxpayer funding -- now it’s exploiting the Zika crisis and taxpayers to boost its bottom line even more.

Congressional negotiations are ongoing -- perhaps right up until September 30th, so call your representative and senators today and tell them to hold strong: No Zika funding for Planned Parenthood.

You can look up their phone numbers here:


Those precious preborn children have no voice -- WE must be their voice. Call your representative and senators today, and forward this email on to others to do the same!

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