
Friday, September 23, 2016

Planned Parenthood's 100th Anniversary Met with National Call to Prayer

100 prayer vigils scheduled across America

Mark Harrington, National Director
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – Sept 23, 2016 – Next month, Planned Parenthood turns 100. That's 100 years of preying on our families, polluting our culture, and killing our children by the millions.

All month, Planned Parenthood will be holding big fundraising parties and spreading their lies and propaganda in the media.

You and I can't match Planned Parenthood dollar for dollar. We don't have a big government subsidy. We don't have the mainstream media or Hollywood in our pockets.

But we do have a powerful God to whom we can pray.

And that's what we intend to do when we confront Planned Parenthood on their 100th anniversary with prayer vigils at 100 Planned Parenthood abortion centers across the country on October 15.

Today I'm inviting YOU to be a part of this prayer campaign. Check here to find out if a vigil is already planned in your area.

If you don't see a prayer vigil near you, please consider hosting one at a nearby Planned Parenthood facility.

To sign on as a local leader, use this link.  

If you sign on to lead an October 15 prayer vigil, our ProtesttPP team and I will be there EVERY step of the way to help you with planning and promotion of your vigil.

By the way, this prayer vigil would be an ideal midpoint activity for any 40 Days for Life campaign. If you're involved with 40 Days, let me know if you're interested in considering this.

I've learned that Planned Parenthood is planning a HUGE P.R. campaign for their centennial. You can expect to see their propaganda everywhere, especially in the mainstream media.

I hope you can be a part of this unique opportunity to confront Planned Parenthood and pray for an end to abortion on October 15.

Thank you on behalf of Eric Scheidler, and Dr. Monica Miller.

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