
Monday, September 12, 2016

Catholic College Cancels Talk by This Abortion Activist After Pro-Life People Protested

Kansas Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier 

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A Catholic university in Kansas canceled a campus event with a pro-abortion judge this week after pro-lifers launched an online protest, the Wichita Eagle reports.

Recently, Newman University’s history club invited Kansas Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier to speak and answer questions as part of a larger Constitution Day event on campus, according to the report. 

Beier was asked to talk about her role as a judge, the state constitution, the judicial system and law school, not abortion; however, her public role and her rulings on the court have been highly influential in abortion cases in Kansas.

In 2010, Kansasans for Life described Beier this way

“The abortion industry has no better ally than Justice Beier …” She sided with the abortion giant Planned Parenthood in three separate rulings, insuring that “abortion businesses remain above investigation and prosecution,” the state pro-life group wrote.

Pro-lifers who learned about the university’s invitation to Beier launched a social media in protest, saying her rulings on abortion went against Catholic teachings on the sanctity of life. The university responded this week by canceling the talk, according to the local report.

Article continues here

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