
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Please Join a Conference Call with Pro-Life U.S. Senator Pat Toomey on September 13th!

from Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

Please join this conference call with U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 8:00 PM.  

The call-in number is 800-662-6992. The passcode is 1083000#. I also encourage you to invite others to join this call.

Purpose of Call

The purpose of this call is to encourage and equip pro-life citizens in Pa. to zealously and effectively participate in efforts to re-elect Sen. Toomey in the November 8, 2016 General Election.

Content of Call

Sen. Toomey will present an approximately ten-minute message at the beginning of this call. His message will contain a response to some of the questions previously submitted to him by the leaders of our organization. Brief presentations by Sen. Toomey's campaign Political Director, James Fitzpatrick, and Field Director, Allie Bedell, will follow Sen. Toomey's presentation.

Action Requested

James' and Allie's presentations will urge volunteers to assist Pat's re-election in our local area by

1. making phone calls at a nearby office, 
2. knocking on doors of certain identified voters,
3. Day of Election work at

a. a polling place and/or
          b. a phone bank,
4. placing a Toomey yard sign in front of your home and a Toomey bumper sticker on your car, 
5. making a financial contribution to Sen. Toomey campaign, and
6. other actions
The Importance and Priority of this Effort

I request that you zealously participate in efforts, between now and November 8, 2016, to re-elect U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey.

Why?  Faithfulness and Gratitude

Senator Toomey has compiled a 100% pro-life voting record as a U.S. Senator. The pro-life citizens of Pa., I submit, should express our gratitude for his strongly and faithfully pro-life record by zealously giving priority to efforts to assist in his re-election.

Control of the U.S. Senate

The outcome of this election could determine whether pro-abortion Democrat Senators or pro-life Republican Senators control the U.S. Senate.

The Race is Very Close

The recent average of Real Clear Politics had the Toomey-McGinty race tied with approximately 15% of Pa.'s voters undecided. Thus, the grass-roots efforts by pro-life Pennsylvanians can re-elect Sen. Toomey.

Pro-Life Voter Guide Distribution

After the presentations by Sen. Toomey, James and Allie, other pro-life leaders on this call and I will request commitments for the previous identified activities. We will also seek your participation in the distribution of Pro-Life Voter Guides at Sunday Masses or Services at Catholic and/or pro-life Protestant Churches.
With regard to such guides, I am attaching a Toomey/McGinty pro-life issues comparison sheet here.

I encourage you to make/obtain copies of these guides and distribute them as widely as possible.

The Presidential Race

Our September 13, 2016 conference call will only focus on Pa.'s U.S. Senate race. Nevertheless, our organization, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) and other statewide pro-life organizations in Pa. have all endorsed Donald Trump for President. NRLC has prepared an excellent Trump/Clinton pro-life issue comparison piece, which is available at


  1. Why do conservatives not know how to answer the Gotcha Rape/ Abortion question. I recently heard a great answer. Please call me @ 215 269-1579

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Send an e-mail to to get the correct information for tonight's call in number.
